Ms Jatoi lashes ruling PPP for political victimization in Sindh - Eye News Network

Ms Jatoi lashes ruling PPP for political victimization in Sindh


KARACHI (ENN/ By Lala Hassan) Ms Naveen Jatoi, wife of GDA leader Murtaza Khan Jatoi and daughter in law and niece of former care taker Prime Minister Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi siad on Wednesday, that our family been affiliated with politics since the British Era, her grandfather was a signatory to the document of independence of Pakistan; Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi led the Movement for Restoration of Democracy in 1983 throughout the country. The Jatoi et after decades of the Jatoi family is being politically targeted and victimised in a brutal political agenda in Sindh. 

She raised question as why? Is this punishment for refusing to join the ruling Pakistan People’s Party?

Is it a crime to stand in opposition against the ruling PPP?

She regretted that we were unaware that Pakistani citizens no longer had the democratic right to contest elections.

As a result we have been terrorised prior to the elections, during the election and presently our family continues to endure ongoing harassment at the hands of police.

There had been unprovoked attacks made on her husband and son on election day. Followed by False FIRs and Fabricated cases being filed against us.

They physically assaulted our male polling agents and harassed our female polling agents.

She said prior to election, her widowed aunts property ownership documents were falsely changed, her lands were forcibly occupied, illegally sold and her crops were taken over – all in an attempt to avenge for personal grievances associated with a family divorce trial. Is politics now a means for PPP to execute their own personal revenge, she raised question?

Ms Jatoi firther said, they have been conducting illegal raids in our houses in the middle of the night without search warrants. 70 police vehicles and 3 armoured vehicles were used for the raid in New Jatoi – treating us as enemies of Pakistan and not as a family that has worked tirelessly for Pakistan.

This is a breach of our privacy and our constitutional right of equality before the law.

Not only our family, but our employees in the village and innocent voters have been abducted and arrested without charge in fabricated cases.

Ms Jatoi, the daughter of former MNA Mr Mujtaba Khan Jatoi and the elder sister of ex provincial minister Aqib Khan Jatoi made ab an appeal not only for the Jatoi family but for the poor people of Pakistan, who have fallen victim under a government that believes in justifying violence, harassment and deprivation of constitutional rights as a means to achieving their own agendas.

She recalled that not even during the MRD movement did our adversary display such decline in morality and integrity as we are witnessing today. A martial law dictator did not use the tactics against us that our opponents have made common practice.

As a daughter of Sindh, a daughter of Balochistan, as a daughter of Pakistan first and foremost – I ask for justice, she added.

At the end Ms Jatoi made an appeal to the respected Chief Justice of Pakistan and the honourable Chief of Army Staff to take note of the grievous injustice, political harassment and abuse of power in Sindh by ruling PPP.

Do our fundamental rights still hold any value? Or have they been suspended and we as Pakistanis no longer have rights?

She questioned “shall the people of Pakistan believe state machinery has gone rogue? If we are to seek justice, where do we go”?

According to reports GDA leader Murtaza Khan Jatoi, his younger son Bilal Khan Jatoi and others had been booked in a murder case which took place near Moro at a polling station.

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