Digital census; an important national responsibility, says Commissioner Zhob - Eye News Network

Digital census; an important national responsibility, says Commissioner Zhob


ZHOB (By Rafiullah Mandokhail/ENN) Commissioner Zhob Division Saeed Ahmed Umrani has said that the census was an important national responsibility and absolutely zero tolerance for those found negligent in their census duties. He has asked the concerned officials to strictly monitor the census process and ensure all the necessary arrangements for the officials carrying out a gigantic task.
Talking to this scribe, Commissioner Umrani said that it was the first time that the Digital House and Population Census program has been launched in the country and the objective behind digital census was to make the process transparent and error-free so that accurate decisions could be taken on future planning and strategies. He stressed that cooperation between enumerators and respondents was inevitable for a successful conduct of the census.

‘Active participation of people in the head count can play a vital role in conducting the census in a transparent manner, because the data obtained from the census would help in resource distribution and future planning. The people should fully cooperate with the enumerators in data collection,’ he appealed to the respondents.

Highlighting the importance of census, the Commissioner said it was a national duty and the role of all stakeholders was very important in its smooth execution.

Supervisor Abdul Hanan Hariphal said that the census has vital importance that would help in framing economic policies and ensure equitable distribution of resources among all stakeholders for the development of the country.

‘The census was a constitutional obligation on the basis of which the government determines the National Finance Com­mission Award and distributes national resources for just development of all areas,’ he added.

Meanwhile, political, social and tribal figures belonging to Zhob Division have appreciated the tireless efforts of Commissioner Zhob Division Saeed Ahmed Umrani and Supervisor Abdul Hanan Harifal for carrying out the census process in a befitting manner.

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