Public holidays for 2021 in Pakistan - Eye News Network

Public holidays for 2021 in Pakistan


ISLAMABAD (ENNS) The federal government has announced details of the public and optional holidays for 2021.

A notification for the holidays was issued by the interior ministry here on Friday.

A total of 14 public holidays are included for the general public. It starts from Kashmir Day on February 5.

At least 22 optional holidays have been announced for government employees. One employee, however, is only allowed to avail one optional holiday if they are Muslim and three if they are non-Muslim.

The list include:

February 5th (Friday) – Kashmir Day
March 23rd (Tuesday) – Pakistan Say
May 1st (Saturday) – Labour Day
May 14th, 15th and 16th (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) – Eid-ul-Fitr *
July 21st, 22nd and 23rd (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) – Eid-ul-Azha *
August 14th (Saturday) – Independence day
August 18th, 19th (Wednesday and Thursday) – Ashura Muharram *
October 19th (Tuesday) – Eid-i-Milad *
December 25 (Saturday) – Quaid-i-Azam Day/Christmas
December 26 (Sunday) – Day after Christmas (only for Christians)

* Subject to appearance of moon

Bank holidays

The bank will be closed on the following dates for public dealing, however, the employees of the banks/DFIs/MFBs will report to work as usual.

1st January, 2021 (Friday)
14th April, 2021 (Wednesday) corresponding to 1st Ramazan 1442AH
1st July, 2021 (Thursday).

However the notification doesn’t include provincial holidays designated by provincial governments.

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