Role of working women lauded - Eye News Network

Role of working women lauded


KARACHI (ENNS) As the world marks International Women’s Day, Legal Rights Forum (LRF) in association with Women Development Department (WDD), Government of Sindh observed the Women’s Day in a local hotel. One of the salient activities of the event was distribution of Leadership Awards to Women in Government.

A number of government officials of various government departments attended the event which was chaired by honorable Minister, Women Development Syeda Shahla Raza.
Malik Tahir Iqbal, CEO of LRF welcomed the guests and the nominees for Leadership Awards and said that International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.
Tahir Hasnain Shah told that LRF’s ongoing non-formal education project for girls in Shikarpur in which 2300 girls were enrolled in 70 Accelerated Learning Centres.
Speaking at the occasion, Fozia Masoom, Director Operation – Sindh Child Protection Authority said women deserve appreciations and support as to play their best role in the society.
Anjum Iqbal, Secretary – Women Development Department also addressed the event.
Syeda Shahla Raza, congratulated participants on the eve of International Women’s Day and appreciated LRF for organizing such an event every year that shows their commitment towards the women cause. She said that whether running a country, a business or a popular movement, women are making contributions that are delivering for all and driving progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the country. She shared the background history of celebration of this Day and said that over the decades it has morphed from recognizing the achievements of women to becoming a rallying point to build support for women’s rights and participation, in the political and economic arenas. She advised all government officers, particularly Police Department, to do more good work in providing justice to women and in their protection.
At the end of the event,  Syeda Shahla Raza and others presented shields to a number of nominated women officers as a token of appreciation on their services in various government departments.

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