Bench, bar work together for speedy, cheaper justice, Lawyers avoid using bar for personal disputes, Judge Mehbub Aly Jawahery - Eye News Network

Bench, bar work together for speedy, cheaper justice, Lawyers avoid using bar for personal disputes, Judge Mehbub Aly Jawahery


NAUSHAHRO FEROZE (By Lala Hassan/ ENNS) Bench and Bar played pivotal role for the restoration of Democracy in the past but now adays time has changed therefore we should work together for speedy and cheaper justice to common people.

This was observed by Mr Mahbub Aly Jawahery District and Session Judge Naushahro Feroze while his routine inspection of Bar Council here on Monday.
Mr Jawahery said in case of tension between bench and bar, the common people suffer alot and we should work together for dispense of justice.
“In case of imbiguity in religion, customs and traditions, the Judge applies common sense and preference is to be given to natural law” added Mr Jawahery.
He said knowledge gives power to person and imagination increases the ideas; therefore lawyers particularly young should adopt research while persuing their cases.

“It has been noticed that some lawyers use Bar for their personal benefits or disputes which is wrong and such practice should be discouraged” observed Mr Jawahery.

The gathering was addressed and attended by DBA Naushahro Feroze president Abdul Rahim Abbasi, Muhammad Ayaz Marri, member SBC Abdul Sattar G Luhrani, senior lawyer Arbab Ali Chandio, Muhammad Khan Malik, Ummeruddin Panhwar, Rana Abdul Jabbar, Rana Nasir, Mahboob Ujjan, Mohammad Hassan Pathan, Abdul Waheed Malik, Asadullah Detho, Rahab Chandio and others.

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