Zhob: Children appeal for safe recovery of abducted father - Eye News Network

Zhob: Children appeal for safe recovery of abducted father


ZHOB (ENNS) The children of a mysteriously ‘disappeared’ man alleged that influential people of their village have kidnapped their father.

Kaleem Khan, Bibi Hajra and Bibi Fatima – the daughters of Qadam Jan, resident of Killi Shamamzai Kibzai, while addressing a press conference, alleged that their father Qadam Jan Shamamzai Kibzai had been abducted on September 28th 2020, and influential people were involved in his abduction. They said the kidnappers also threatening other family members of dire consequences if we could not pay them ransom amount.
“We (children) can not go to school because of fear. The kidnappers have demanded ransom money from us, otherwise they will also harm us,” the children said.
They (kidnappers) used to hide in Killa Saif after targeting us time to time. Although an FIR has also been registered against those nominated accused but no arrest had been made yet.
They appealed to Chief Justice of Balochistan High Court, Chief Minister Balochistan, Commander Southern Command, Inspector General Balochistan Police, Commissioner Zhob Division and Deputy Commissioners Zhob Killa Saifullah to rescue the abducted Qadam Jan as soon as possible and arrest the kidnappers and give them exemplary punishment. So they could have a sigh of relief.

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