Fake news detection possible through technology, FNF workshop - Eye News Network

Fake news detection possible through technology, FNF workshop


KARACHI (ENN) News verification and detecting fake is an art than can be achieved with the best use of the technology, observed the trainer and participants of the two-day workshop titled Fact Checking and News Verification organised by Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom here on Wednesday in a local hotel.
Trainer Afia Salam, Aamir Amjad said media outlets including journalists should focus on credibility of instead of indulging in the race of breaking news.
“Journalists should follow self regulated code of ethics rather than being controlled by state or media regulators” Ms Salam added.
Earlier Country head of FNF Birgit Lamm told participants that FNF is working for the promotion of Democracy and media freedom worldwide since decades.
Participants Lala M Hassan, Aftab Ahmed, Maria Ismail, Mona Siddiqui, Muhammad Waqas, Jibran, John, Raj Khatri, Uris Solangi, Gul Saedi and others said journalists face pressure at the hands of News rooms as well as the owners due to the race of breaking news tends and social media and they get limited time to verify the news. They observed that fake news could easily be detected through efficient use of modern technology.

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