India ready for comprehensive peace talks with Pakistan, writes Modi to PM Khan - Eye News Network

India ready for comprehensive peace talks with Pakistan, writes Modi to PM Khan


ISLAMABAD (ENN) Pakistan has received a positive response from India after Pakistan had extended an offer to resolve reconcilable problems between the two countries.

Earlier this month, Prime Minister Imran Khan in a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi had congratulated him on his second term as the prime minister of India following general elections.

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi had also written a letter to his Indian counterpart Subrahmanyam Jaishankar congratulating him on assuming office.

According to sources, Pakistan had offered talks on the resolution of all problems, including that of the disputed Kashmir region.
In response, Indian PM Modi and his minister for external affairs in their letters responded positively on the proposal for peace talks with Pakistan.

The letters stated that India was ready to hold a comprehensive and concrete dialogue between the two countries, sources added

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